Sunday 22 January 2012


With so much to do my only excuse is I was too busy doing nothing to do it, what? Today I watched “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” a film someone recommended to me as the best film ever made and that I now recommend to you to not see it as the worst film ever made. It was weird because I didn’t think it was Johnny Depp because it didn’t look like Johnny Depp, but then again Johnny Depp never looks like Johnny Depp. It seems I’ve wasted far too many hours of my life watching plotless drug-romps and gaining nothing from the experience apart from don't smoke Jeffrey and don't swim in toilets. So I lay in bed watching Terry Gilliam at his weirdest, in my dressing gown, pants and kilt socks, eating chocolate, wondering when this film would end. When it did, my computer-dumb face was in a weird mood so I staggered outside in my dressing gown, pants and kilt socks, eating chocolate with my water bottle and a friend took me back inside thinking I was drunk, no idea why, wherein he asked me to help plot a model relating diseases to population development as if I understood what he was vomiting. Vomiting, great word very on-o-mat-o-p-o-e-i-a-ic like BLAAAARRRGGH! I sat on top of his cupboard and kicked his stuff about and almost fell out the window then fell back here and procrastinated more writing this in this weird Duke mood, I proablably shouldn't talk to people like this, I ploablabry should work, hu? So, yeah I had a great Sunday, how was yours?

1 comment:

  1. My Sunday was going well until someone came into my room climbed onto my cupboard and threw stuff everywhere !
