Thursday 8 March 2012

Senseless persistence

I’m going to be honest with you, I wrote the title of this one quite a while ago and now, looking back at it I can’t see why I don’t, or didn’t understand it. I guess it would be a “what’s the point in fighting a war you know you’ve already lost” kind of thing, but that’s not a very good philosophy. If you feel strongly about something you shouldn’t give up. Or maybe that’s not a very good philosophy either; because what if you are wrong and what you are doing will cause serious pain. I guess this is the philosophy of fundamentalists and terrorists. But the first one is the philosophy of the underachiever. The only thing we can draw from this is that nothing is true in every situation and we can’t generalise or stereotype. That statement isn’t true in every situation either, thus proving itself, and myself both wrong and right at the same time. Is that a paradox? Because I’m really confused. Anyway, I guess I just wrote it because it’s a nice-sounding phrase; it rolls nicely off the teeth and the tip of the tongue. And I suppose I just wrote it to sound clever, they are quite big words, if you say it in conversation you’re bound to look pretty bright, unless you’re wearing a lampshade on your head...yeah that didn’t work for me.