Monday, 16 January 2012


-The card game. I understand bridges, bridges make perfect sense, and sense makes perfect bridges... where am I? Oh, yeah on a bridge. I don’t know how to play bridge (the card game) to be honest. It seems that bridge used to be incredibly fashionabubble and instead of watching television people would play bridge for hours on end. Some still do, well those who have been cryogenically unfrozen. Also; why do, in every single pack of cards, they have an extra card telling you how to play bridge, as if people buy cards for the sole purpose of playing bridge. They should have the rules to poker or blackjack. I once tried to read that card, I’ve had nightmares ever since. And what’s with the name? Well, I believe it comes from the inventor: Bridge McBridgeson who devised the game of bridge when, whilst driving over a bridge, was wondering how he could incorporate his job as a bridge-maker into a game of cards that would grasp societies for centuries. His brilliant idea involves placing two tables about a metre apart and constructing a bridge of cards across the two and the person who puts on the last card shouts, “bridge!” to win and the world hasn’t back since. I think that fully illustrates that I know nothing about bridge.


  1. herries duuuuude, being your biggest fan from the USA (Or maybe your only one) i feel turned off rather than on at this new thread.
    it had no character, nothing that made my jaw gape open and My Maccy d's drule onto me, you may have just lost your only fan from the USofA...deeply disappointing

    1. Thanks John, but spelling words wrong and saying you eat McDonald's doesn't automatically make you American and eating Americans doesn't make you Old McDonald (I learnt that the hard way).
