Monday 28 May 2012

Why time flies when you’re having fun

Ok, this isn’t true at all, I understand exactly why time seems to go faster when you’re being entertained. At least I think I do, I just needed some excuse for telling the whole world my idea, which I do think is kind of obvious though:
Right, electricity travels fast yes? No, you don’t have to answer (laughs aloud) I can’t hear you. And the brain’s messages are electronic signals that buzz round super fast to tell you what’s going on? (small steps) So this means that the brain thinks about stuff faster than they happen, let me examplise (all over your face): have you ever been thinking about something whilst something else has been going on, like a song playing or someone talking, you’re surprised to find when you’ve gone through a whole film or whatever in your head, the song or maths lesson hasn’t passed very far. This fact also explains why in dreams it seems like months or years of events have passed when it’s only been a couple of minutes. So, when thinking about stuff our fast thoughts make it seem more time has passed so time in the real world goes slower. This explains when having fun we are frolicking about in real world time, participating in tangible events, touching real objects only thinking about events as they unravel at normal speed. However when bored there is nothing to keeps are minds occupied, so we resort to reminiscing or imaging stuff in our heads because there is nothing else to think about. This happens a lot faster than the boring task you’re being made to do, so real world time seems to be slower as you’re travelling faster than it. So, when having fun, our mind is occupied with real world activities that keep us at real world speed, but when bored we think of other things and so in essence travel faster than the task you’re doing so the time appears to go slower.
Take that relativity!